Over-The-Edge Podcast
Our mission is to help people in our community with common objectives to connect with one another and understand the word of God and how He walks us through our daily lives. Our discussions will let us explore how God has taken us "Over-The-Edge", and let us look at different views and questions that individuals have in today's world with respect to our changing lives.
Over-The-Edge Podcast
Over-The-Edge Daily Devotion: Safe With You - Inspired by Psalm 103:1 - 2
Podcast Created by: Christina Teh Reading by: Samuel Khiatani
Season 2
Episode 10
Over-The-Edge Podcast
Over-The-Edge Daily Devotion: Safe With You - Inspired by Psalm 103:1 - 2
100 Prayers - Inspired by the Psalms
By Julie Ackerman Link
Reading by: Samuel Khiatani
Season 2 Episode 10
"The book of Psalms has offered encouragement and comfort to many. Written by David and other psalmists, these songs of prayer express the deepest emotions to the Lord. In 100 Prayers Inspired by the Psalms, you’ll find words to help you talk with God and reflect on His promises. From praise and thanksgiving to cries for help and protection, these passionate prayers show you how to pour out your own heart to the Lord".